Shirubi Ikazuchi is a composer of electronic music strongly influenced by classic Japanese electronica, rock and gothic artists such as Nobuo Uematsu, Ike Yoshihiro, Massive Attack, The Birthday Massacre, Future Sound of London, etc. Shirubi creates slightly ambient-ish trip-hop with a rather dark feel to it. Sung with terror, horror and sorrow, her music generates an atmosphere of dark future ages in a post-apocalyptic world and shares experiences from this extreme yet mystical environment. When playing live, Shirubi performs the vocals, while various guests handle the instrumental portions.
Shirubi Ikazuchi on elektroonilise muusika komponeerija, kelle loomingut on tugevalt mõjutatud klassikaline Jaapani ja kaasaegne electronica ning rock ja goth-muusika (Nobuo Uematsu, Ike Yoshihiro, Massive Attack, The Birtday Massacre, FSOL jpt). Shirubi muusika on sünge tunnetusega ambientlik trip-hop, milles hirm, õudus ja nukrus liituvad postapokalüptiliseks tulevikunägemuseks; see vahendab isiklikke kogemusi äärmuslikust, ent müstilisest keskkonnast. Live-etendusel on Shirubi pärusmaaks vokaal; instrumentaalse külje eest hoolitsevad mitmed külalisesinejad.
Freakangel stands for merciless upbeat dark electro with a trancey groove, provocative harsh vocals and dynamic guitar riffs. Benefiting from its members’ astounding experience (Dmitry: the brain behind the sexy electro outfit Suicidal Romance; fr0zen: frontman of the high-tech EBM outfit cB a.k.a. Cyclon e B; Art: former guitarist with Kamaloka), Freakangel are ready to rock the electro world.
Freakangel are closing in, coming your way to disturb you, shock you, shake your senses, trigger hate and get your body moving! Welcome to their world… No longer be afraid of monsters hiding under your bed — be afraid of Freakangel!
Freakangel sai alguse alles eelmisel aastal, mil Dmitry (Suicidal Romance) ja fr0zen (cB aka Cyclone B) jõud ühendasid ja hiljem kitarristi Arti (Kamaloka) näol täiendust said. Tumeda electro ja industriali mõjutustega, eri stiile põimiva Freakangeli debüütalbum ilmub Belgia plaadifirma Alfa Matrix alt 2010. aasta esimeses pooles.

Apples of Idun puts an assortment of melodies from both analog and digital synthesizers, heavy guitar riffs and haunting vocals in a blender, adds ethereal atmospheres to the mix and serves a steaming hot plate full of unique, tasteful and delicate, yet spicy electronic music. The band`s output has been compared to Nine Inch Nails, Faith No More, Gary Numan, and Skinny Puppy, to name a few. Disaster Art, the follow-up to 2005 debut album Widow, was released in Finland by Go On Music / Edel Records in April 2009.
Based in Turku, Apples of Idun have been roaming the Finnish underground scene since 2004. Lately they have gained recognition also in mainstream media, including heavy rotation on various radio stations and the music video for the albums opening track The Bang`s appearance on Finnish MTV and other channels. Also, the nationwide TV station Nelonen used the song Blatant Blue in one of their TV commercials. Some of the biggest Finnish youth culture magazines have praised Apples of Idun on numerous occasions, with especially the new album receiving flattering reviews.
For the past few years Apples of Idun have toured around Finland developing their live shows into intense events of explosive live performance, astonishing light show and all-around ground breaking music experience. Depending on the venue, even projected backing videos can be included as a part of the live set-up.
Throughout their career, the band has received a considerable amount of feedback from European and North-American fans which proves that their sound has a potential of reaching music listeners from all over the world. Now Apples of Idun have decided to pack the tour bus and deliver their fresh and innovative music package to the eager international audiences.
+ DJ`d Taavi Eelmaa / fs / fade:over / Black Star
Rockstar`s (Tatari 6, Tallinn)
Uksed: 21:00
Pilet: 75.-
Piletid eelmüügis Piletilevis:
Tallinn Music Week 2010
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