21.00 Uksed avatud
22.00 Shirubi Ikazuchi
22.30 KK Null (JP) & Edasi
23.00 KK Null (JP)
00.30 Beati Mortui (FIN)
02.00 DJ Bruno Kramm (Das Ich, Danse Macabre Records; GER)
When combined with danceability of EBM music, gothic moods and black metal grimness comes as a result the distinctive style of BEATI MORTUI. Since its founding in 2005, band has already conquered many hearts both at home country and across Europe.
Beati Mortui released their second album "Let The Funeral Begin" last May, after which the band toured in Finland, Germany and for the first time in Russia. Currently the band is working on the forthcoming third album, which is published by the German Danse Macabre Records. Orchestra is also rehearsing for the upcoming live shows, which have been announced for ex. for the most known goth festival in Europe, the Wave-Gotik-Treffen in Leipzig, Germany.
Lisainfo: http://www.beatimortui.com/
SHIRUBI IKAZUCHI (EST) ...on elektroonilise muusika komponeerija, eestlasest laulja-lugudekirjutaja, algupäraselt mõjutatud klassikalise Jaapani elektroonika, pop-, rock-, ja gootimuusika artistide poolt. Isiklikud lemmikud oleks Nobuo Uematsu, Ike Yoshihiro, Björk, Massive Attack, jne. Shirubi muusika on sünge tunnetusega ambientlikust trip-hopist industriaalilike löökideni, mõnikord mediteeritav, mõnikord tantsitav. Lauldud hirmu, õuduse ja nukrusega, muutub see postapokalüptiliseks tulevikunägemuseks, mis vahendab isiklikke kogemusi äärmuslikust, ent müstilisest keskkonnast. Live-etendusel on Shirubi pärusmaaks vokaal; instrumentaalse külje eest hoolitsevad mitmed külalisesinejad.
SHIRUBI IKAZUCHI is a composer of electronic music, an Estonian singer-songwriter, originally influenced by some classic Japanese electronica, pop, rock and goth artists. Personal favorites would be Nobuo Uematsu, Ike Yoshihiro, Björk, Massive Attack etc. She creates music from slightly-ambient-ish trip-hop towards industrial-like rhythms with a rather dark feel to it, sometimes meditatable, sometimes dancable. Sung with terror, horror and sorrow, her music generates an atmosphere of dark future ages in a post-apocalyptic world and shares experiences from this extreme yet mystical environment. When playing live, Shirubi performs the vocals, while various guests handle the instumental portions.
Lisainfo: www.myspace.com/shirubiikazuchi
Helilooja, kitarrist, laulja ja koosluse ZENI GEVA looja ja elelktroonikamaag KK NULL (pärisnimega KAZUYUKI KISHINO) sündis Tokios, Jaapanis. KK Null on üks Jaapani noise-muusika olulisemaid artiste ning laiemas kontekstis üks kultuslikumaid 80ndatel alustanud eksperimentaalmuusika loojaid.
1981. aastal õppis KK Null Min Tanaka "Mai-Juku" tantsu-workshopis ning alustas oma karjääri mängides kitarri-improvisatsioone erinevates Tokio klubides. Peale kaheaastast koostööd MERZBOWga, liitus ta bändiga YBO2 (koos ajakirja Fool's Mate peatoimetaja Masashi Kitamura ja RUINSi trummari Tatsuya Yoshidaga). Samuti alustas ta improviseeriva noise/rock trio ABSOLUT NULL PUNKTiga (koos Seijiro Murayama, Keiji Haino FUSHITSUSHA originaaltrummariga) ning ka GEVA2-ga (GEVA GEVA; koos Tatsuya Yoshida (Ruins) ja Eye Yamatsukaga (BOREDOMS).
Peale kahekümneaastast kitarri, kui oma põhiinstrumendi mängimist, liikus KK Null tunduvalt rohkem elektroonika poole. Preaguseks on ta konsentreerunud oma soolo- ja projektipõhilistele lindistustele, avastades elektroonilise muusika äärealasid, luues võimsaid noise`i valle, struktureeritud electro-akustilisi maailmaid, murtud rütme… …mida saab kokku võtta määratlusega cosmic noise maximal/minimalism.
Praeguseks on KK Null avaldanud üle 100 plaadi (ka soolo, bändid, koostööprojektid, kogumikud).
…(real name : KAZUYUKI KISHINO) was born in Tokyo, Japan. Composer, guitarist, singer, mastermind of ZENI GEVA and electronic wizard. One of the top names in Japanese noise music and in a larger context, one of the great cult artists in experimental music since the early 80's.
In 1981 KK Null studied at Butoh dancer, Min Tanaka's Mai-Juku workshop and started his career by performing guitar improvisations in the clubs in Tokyo. He continued by collaborating with MERZBOW for two years, and joining the band YBO2 (with Masashi Kitamura, the chief editer of Fool's Mate magazine and Tatsuya Yoshida, the drummer of RUINS) and starting the improvised noise/rock trio ABSOLUT NULL PUNKT (with Seijiro Murayama, the original drummer of Keiji Haino's FUSHITSUSHA), and also GEVA2 (GEVA GEVA) with Tatsuya Yoshida (Ruins) and Eye Yamatsuka (BOREDOMS).
After playing the guitar as his main instrument for some twenty years, KK Null has gradually moved towards a more electronic approach. In recent years he has concentrated his efforts on his solo & collaborative recordings, exploring the outer territories of electronica, creating intense clashing wave of noise, structured electro-acoustic ambience, broken down rhythmics, scattered pitch sculptures, droning isolationist material which could be described cosmic noise maximal/minimalism.
At present KK Null has more than 100 titles of recordings released (inc. solo, bands, collaborations, compilations).
Lisainfo: www.kknull.com
...on millalgi selle sajandi algusaastatel tekkinud pidevalt muutuva koosseisuga bänd, mille ainus püsiliige ja peamine ideoloog on süntesaatorimängija Mihkel Kleis.
Algusest peale on EDASI tunnusteks olnud psühhedeelia ja improvisatsioon, kuid koosseisuliste muutuste tõttu on kõlapilt olnud siiski kogu aeg erinev. Viimased aastad on Edasi peamiseks inspiratsiooniallikaks olnud äärmuslikud underground black metali vormid. Live esituses taotleb Edasi intensiivset meelelist kogemust, mis oleks nagu rituaalne eufooria, kus vastikus ja nauding, õudus ja ilu, selged harmooniad ja tehniline küündimatus, kaine analüüs ja meelemürkidest nihestatud maailmapilt sulanduvad tervikuks. Umbes nagu siis, kui paletil kõik värvid kokku segades saab ühtlase ebamääraselt tumeda massi.
EDASI, formed during the first years of this century, is a band with ever changing lineup led by synth player Mihkel Kleis.
Since the beginning the main characteristics are improvisation an psychedelia, but due to shifting members, the sound of Edasi has always been in constant state of development. Lately the main inspirational source is underground black metal in it's various forms. With live performances Edasi wants to achieve the intensity similar to ritualistic euphoria, where disgust and pleasure, divine harmonies and technical ineptness, straight mind and drug fueled visions all melt together. It's like when mixing all the colors on painter's palette, you get something dark and messy.
Lisainfo: www.myspace.com/edasi
Peale bände u 02.00 on laval plaadimängijate taga DJ BRUNO KRAMM - goth/industrial ikooni Das Ich liige ning plaadifirma Danse Macabre juhataja!
Klubi Rockstar`s aadress: Tatari 6, Tallinn
Piletid hinnaga 7 EUR eelmüügis Piletilevis: http://piletilevi.ee/est/piletid/festival/tallinn_music_week_2011/?show=20975
Dark Music Showcase Facebookis: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=185962791447331
World Clinic Facebookis: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/World-Clinic-Shop-Distribution/127854593919618
Tallinn Music Week info: http://www.tallinnmusicweek.ee
Vaata ja kuula!
Beati Mortui (FIN) - Prey (Live)
KK Null (JP) - Live concert at Le CENTQUATRE, Paris, 15.3.2009
Shirubi Ikazuchi - Seizure
EDASI live. jaanuar, 2011
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